How to manage anxiety in your legal practice?

A 2020 study by the Human Sciences Research Council found that 45% of South Africans were feeling fearful. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (“SADAG”) further recently reported that one in every five people will suffer from a mental illness, including anxiety. Anxiety is therefore a very important topic to be knowledgeable about for these times.

It appears attorneys are expected to perform despite anxiety and also be able to manage employees and clients who may experience anxiety. But do lawyers have the skills, knowledge and strategies to recognise or help manage anxiety in others?

Lawyers are also expected to represent clients fearlessly, although they are still only human, and not immune to anxiety themselves. Can you be a successful lawyer if you experience anxiety?

Lawyers, legal support staff and LLB students are invited to a remote group coaching session to create awareness and share tips and strategies to help manage lawyer stress in ourselves, staff and clients. Apart from understanding the facts about anxiety, emotional intelligence can help reduce stress in workplaces and can be learned. Details of this event are below.

When: TBA in 2023                        

Where: Zoom

Who: This group coaching session will be facilitated by Emmie de Kock, Lawyer Coach t/a LawyerFirst, who is a qualified SA Business Coach and NLP Life Coach. Emmie practised as an attorney in Centurion for over 17 years, of which she operated her own law firm as sole proprietor for 11 years. She is not a medical practitioner and this session will not include medical advice. The content will focus on helpful information and practical tips to help recognise and manage signs of lawyer stress and anxiety based on her training, personal experience and work experience as practising attorney, former law firm owner, working mom, and also mostly while working one-on-one with top lawyers as professional coach the past 5 years.

What: Although a PowerPoint presentation will be used, inter-action will be encouraged, but participation will be completely voluntary. You can also just attend and listen. The session will not be recorded or shared.

Zoom ethics will apply and the Coach will facilitate and help keep the session safe and relaxed. When you commit to attend this session, please ensure that you can join from a private quiet place, where you are not likely to be interrupted, have good internet connection, and can switch off your phone and emails for the duration of the 2-hour session.

Aspects which will be covered include:     

  1. What is anxiety?
  2. What causes anxiety?
  3. Stress vs Anxiety. Are they the same?
  4. Why are lawyers primed to stress and anxiety?
  5. How can YOU cope and manage your stress and anxiety?
  6. How can you manage people to help reduce stress or anxiety?
  7. What are YOUR next steps?

Costs: All group coaching events are FREE for LWFH Members. The cost for non-Members is R400.

Booking and payment:

Booking and payment are essential to receive a Zoom invitation for this session.

If you would like to apply to join LWFH as Member @R350 per month now, click to create your lawyer profile, pay via PayFast and enjoy more benefits. It is a month to month contract.

If you prefer not to join as a Member, or do not qualify to apply for LWF Membership, please complete the steps below to book and pay for this session: (create menu below)

You will be redirected to your cart. Please follow the checkout procedure to book your seat.

We confirm that your personal details will only be used for purpose of booking and paying for this session.    

Within 24 hours of receiving confirmation of your booking and payment, we will email you the invitation to the session.

RSVP by Friday, 1 July 2022

Thank you for supporting the LWFH platform and joining the journey!

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