Nature of legal practice

Legal Practice Name: KR Stuurman Attorneys Inc
Form of Legal Practice: LLB, LLM
Legal Practice Registration Number: 96952
When was this legal practice established? March 2023
What is your legal practice' value proposition? This a small law firm dealing with a vast range of matters such as, Employment law, Tax administration law, Dispute Resolution, Criminal Law, Road Accident Fund Claims, Divorce and Family Law, Maintenance Claims, Insurance Law, Corporate and Commercial Law, Administration of Deceased Estates, Civil Litigation, Property Law and Medical Negligence
Capacity / Position in Legal Practice: Managing Director
Is your Legal Practice registered for VAT? No

Legal Services

Legal Services Practice Areas: CompaniesContractsConveyancingCorporate Law/GovernanceCriminal LawDispute ResolutionFamily LawInsurance LawLabour LawLitigationNotaryPersonal InjuriesTax LawWills & Estates

Retainer Offerings

Legal Package Offerings: We do offer legal services to companies: Labour Relations Training, Disciplinary hearing facilitations, Drafting Employment Contracts and Corporate Governance training.
Promotional Offerings: 50% off on a consultation fee every Tuesday
Preferred Instructions: Correspondence work, Instructions from the public and companies

Contact Details

Email Address:
Cell Phone Number: 0659058778
Website of Legal Practice:

Engagement Practices

Fidelity Fund Certificate: Yes
Deposit Policy And Payment Terms: Client has to pay 50% deposit before the commencement of work.
Language Preferences: AfrikaansEnglishisiXhosaisiZulu
Communication Preferences: Cell phone textDirect MeetingEmailPhone CallVideo Conferencing
Available Online Hours: 8h:00am until 17h:00pm